James Napping (sort of…)

Little James (but we will call him Jimsey) decided the only place he’ll nap is in his Mama’s arms. Mama has diapers to wash, a new petticoat to hem, and bread to bake...but Jimsey just won’t take no for an answer.

I’ve been thinking about parenting in the time of Covid-19 this week and reading a lot about other parents hitting a pandemic wall. Bedtime with my boys has been taking ages recently. They’ve decided that rather than books or songs, their favorite thing is to stay up talking to me. We’ve been having loooooong conversations about their day, their schemes and plans, the top 10 Super Mario Bros game songs (there’s more than 1? Ok...) As frustrating as it can be, when there’s so much to do and so little time, I know in a few years long chats with their mother will be the last thing they want to do.

So anyway, I was thinking about that as I stole a bit of time to make this - those beautiful-yet-exhausting times when it’s ok to give up on routine and schedules and enjoy the snuggle time. Sending love to all the parents out there who are working so impossibly hard these days.


Welcome, friends.